Inspired by the fragrant flowers of Tivoli Gardens
Nimb Gin
Nimb Gin is a sophisticated London Dry Gin inspired by the fragrant flowers of Tivoli Gardens. Distinct, floral and smooth in texture, the gin achieves harmony by use of 14 carefully selected botanicals – with rose, geranium and honeysuckle amongst the most predominant aromatics. The gin is multiple distilled in small copper pot stills and is extra filtered.
Sustainability is a core commitment and applies to everything from the locally grown ingredients to the bottle closure. Nimb Gin is produced in the vicinity of Copenhagen using green energy from Danish windfarms.
The unique gin recipe is developed by Nimb in association with Vintre Møller Distillery.
Silver winner
Nimb Gin has won silver at the IWSC International Wine & Spirit Competition with 94 out of 100 points.
Enjoy it here
Enjoy it in Nimb’s bars.
Purchase a bottle to take home
Nimb Gin costs DKK 395 and can be bought at the reception at Nimb Hotel and in Nimb’s bars.